Maui Sunriders - Haleakala Bike Tours

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

How To Stay Energized On The Haleakala Sunrise Bike Tour

Tips for Surviving the Haleakala Sunrise Bike Tour

One of the most extraordinary things you can do while on the Valley Isle in Maui is the sunrise bike tour from the peak of Haleakala. Seeing the Haleakala sunrise is nothing short of absolutely amazing. The night sky is covered like a blanket with stars and then turns into a beautiful medley of colors as the sun glistens through the clouds and over the mountains of Upcountry Maui.

The Haleakala sunrise is an experience that simply should not be passed over. But to get a glimpse of this awe-inspiring sunrise view, you’ll have to get up pretty early – around 3 a.m. – to travel to the summit of Haleakala at 10,023 feet. What can you do to get ready for this incredible journey?

Since Maui sunrise bike tour guests meet us at our shop in Paia at 3 a.m., some guests have found it helpful to schedule their Haleakala sunrise bike ride for the first full day of their vacation. This is helpful for the early excursion because jet lag could actually work in your favor in this instance. Coming from the mainland U.S., there can be as much as a 7-hour time change traveling to Maui, and around twice that for those traveling to Maui from Europe. Because of this time difference, most Maui visitors naturally wake up early the first few days of their vacation. So what better way to use those early morning hours than to see the majestic sunrise from the atop Haleakala?

Also, visitors often want to know what they should wear on the Haleakala sunrise bike tour. The summit of Haleakala is at a tremendous 10,023 feet above sea level. At this high elevation in the mountains, temperatures can get pretty cold and windy, and even more so during the winter months. So really warm clothes are definitely needed at the summit, preferably worn in layers that you can take off as you bike down the volcano to warmer Maui temperatures. Backpacks are thoughtfully provided as part of our Haleakala sunrise bike tour for guests to carry their extra clothes and supplies on the ride down. You might even want to bring a blanket for viewing the sunrise on Haleakala’s summit. Then, when you start the Maui bike tour down Haleakala, you can leave the blanket in the tour van and pick it up at our shop when you return.

At this high of elevation, proper nutrition and hydration is essential. In order to prevent altitude sickness, you’ll need to drink plenty of fluids, and be mindful to refuel your electrolytes. It’s recommend that those at high altitudes basically double their intake of water. This includes drinking lots of water before you ascend Haleakala, during your Maui bike ride, and after you’ve returned to sea level. Also, you might want to pack some snacks to take for your bike ride down Haleakala. Experts recommend eating a high-calorie diet with plenty of carbohydrates in high altitudes to keep your body filled with energy. Eating foods high in iron like spinach and other dark greens can also help to prevent altitude sickness.

However, you should limit your consumption of sodium and fat as well as avoiding tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, and sedatives that can affect your respiration and hydration, especially at high altitudes. In fact, it’s recommended that those traveling to high altitudes avoid alcohol for 48 hours before they ascend. It’s always good to check with your doctor about any additional recommendations or health considerations that you in particular may need to stay mindful of.

When you partake in this incredible Haleakala sunrise bike tour in Maui and see the sunrise above the clouds after viewing such a clear night sky literally packed with stars, you’ll be so glad you got up early, drank plenty of fluids, and prepped well for this unforgettable adventure.

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